Dear Diary


Daily personal thoughts on anything and something


May 21, 2024

Woke up at 9 AM. Studied Farsi vocab, had coffee, then tea, and finished off other half of pineapple jam bread. Went to get a vintage foutain pen. (A Sheaffer White Dot, leaks somewhat at plunger. Currently cleaning it). Tried to have Farsi class by 1 PM but connection was too slow. Fourth sunny and warm day in a row. Bought a journal yesterday to write down thoughts. Just learned that a couple of days ago is the 4th anniversary of this web page specifically, and little over the 4th annivesary of site as a whole!

November 11, 2023

He'll come back tomorrow for more of his clothes, but dad and mom's separation is pretty much final.

November 10, 2023

Feel kinda bad that I haven't updated in months. In short, my grandma passed away this summer, hand sew a whole 1920s based dress for Halloween, started learning Farsi several weeks ago and now I'm getting ready for a boutique sale this coming Wednesday.

June 16, 2023

Woke up at 8:15 am today. Had Earl Grey with sugar and lemon, used a heating pad for period cramps, still doing stuff on branded surveys site. Signed up for a bunch of volunteer works for next week and for the rest of July. God!!! I literally just want to earn my own money, and my art sites aren't enough, apparently. . .

June 12, 2023

Sent my best illustrations to illustrator I met yesterday. Spent whole day doing watercolor studies, called dentist, left a voice message to a volunteer manager. Sent application for visitor associates for an art museum.

June 11, 2023

Went out with mom to an art fair near home and walked around; brought my parasol. Got a cute memo pad and watercolor illustration by an artist who was a graduate from the same art uni I go. Got ice cream, then went home.

June 10, 2023

Left home at 9 AM to go to this year's Parade the Circle. Brought parasol and jacket and walked around. Festivitie started at 10 AM, and I bought this extremely delicious fry bread from a food truck for Native American food, with a Native American owner. The fry bread was drizzled with wojapi, a type of berry sauce. Note: The "i" in wojapi is silent. Apparently I was the first customer who correctly pronounced the word. Reunited with my very first violin teacher from when I was a child. Friend arrived at 11:30 AM and we walked around, entered the Cleveland History Center, entering the Hay Mckinney Mansion. Left to see the parade, which started at 12 PM. Felt a lot shorter than usual. Went back to the tents for friend to buy lemonade, then left shortly. I stayed around until 3:30 PM, then left home.

June 8, 2023

Tried to send my resume and cover letters through fax, but it seems the art store's fax machine doesn't work. Tried it 3 more times. Went under with a slight throat infection.

May 31, 2023

Woke up at 8:30 AM, drank nothing but Darjeeling tea for a majority of the day. Went out to the library from 2 pm to 5 pm, then returned home. Might have caught something as my throat feels off.

May 22, 2023

Returned from the airport after staying in Orlando, Florida from May 18 to May 21 for a sister's Crossfit game.

April 21, 2023

Bought myself a little clover plant kit so that my succulent doesn't get lonely.

March 11, 2023

Woke up at 8 am, and made the food/water for grandma. Made and ate a mozzarella and ham sandwich for breakfast, and had some coffee. Exfoliated and cleaned my face and hands.

February 22, 2023

After classes, went to printing room at 4 and worked until 6 pm. Successfully created 8 editions. Returned home then went to bed.

February 21, 2023

Went to class. Returned at around 12 pm to try and finish printing, but only had one hour of work so I had to leave.

January 10, 2023

Didn't go to work due to headache. Woke up at 11 and ate veggie pizza and watched 3 new ps of Old Enough. Finished vol 1 of The Poe Clan and started the second.

January 9, 2023

Received my copies of The Poe Clan and cat paw slippers that were originally Christmas gifts. Went to have dinner with old high school friends. Played the piano at that house, Pictionary and hangman.

January 8, 2023

Left home at 10 am to do walking exercises. Mom bought me a sketchbook and some cheap alcohol-based markers. Tried them and they're not too bad, though they bleed a bit on the page.

January 7, 2023

Went out with parents to go to the natural history museum. Left because we needed prepaid tickets, which were sold out for today. Went to the nearby historical center, and took lots of pictures of early 20th century cars. They had an exhibition about Carl and Louis Stokes and their impact on civil rights. Visited the Bingham-Hanna mansion and took pictures. The house also included a section on the early feminist movement, and memorabalia on the 2016 protests. Also included a section on various historical outfits and photos. Me and my parents realized that the center actually closed at 4 pm, not 5 pm, but they let my mom and me stay to wait for dad to pick us up. Went to the Thai restaurant close to our house to have dinner.

January 6, 2023

Took down the Christmas decorations and ornaments on the tree. Had original plans with mom to try and make a Rosco de Reyes, but the recipe apparently was difficult. Mom bought a cinnamon coffee bundt cake instead, and I decorated the top with blueberries and raspberries. Used some honey as the glue.

January 3

Went to work though it was my birthday, but the work day was short. Went to do 10k steps afterwards. Mom and me ordered an unopened DVD copy of a version of Le Gentilhomme Bourgeois that I had my eye on for awhile.

January 1

Had a small party to celebrate my upcoming birthday, witht strawberry shortcake cake.

November 15, 2022

Woke up at 7:30 AM and left home with Earl Grey Creme tea. Went to Target to buy Stroopel waffles and Wite Out tape for comic page and had class. Fixed catalogue assignment.

November 1, 2022

Got coffee. Second older sister got married last Friday. First older sister left for Florida this Sunday. Aunt left earlier this morning. Logo completed for today's course. Yesterday, trick or treating around school building and carried one of my larger dolls and was able to complete my clock guillotine project. Due to smaller number of students, class was dismissed earlier than usual - dismissed at 6 pm.

September 29, 2022

Woke up at 7 AM and showered, left house at 8 AM and at a coffee house to do homework. Started my outdoor scenery gouache assignment, and need to do one more for tomorrow. Finished Jane Eyre two days ago.

August 17, 2022

Woke up at 12:46 am to get some water. Still with sore throat but better enough to not have to sleep all day. Ate pasta with egg for breatkfast. Had tea and later coffee

August 16, 2022

Woke up with sore throat. Stayed in bed throughout whole day. Tried to eat dinner at 6pm, but couldn't finish. Went back to bed, and didn't wake up and finish dinner until 7pm.

August 15, 2022

Normal day. Later went out to a friend's house to make peach cobbler and dinner with her parents. Later watched The Lion King on VHS at her house and discussed a lot about how pro-monarchy the film is.

August 5, 2022

Went out with mom for a dentist appointment, then got iced coffee, and then ice cream. Window shopping with mom and got a cute puppy squishy. Went home afterwards, and called a job agent. Downloaded Reality app yesterday out of curiosity, and yesterday went out to celebrate a friend's birthday.

July 1, 2022

Mom's finally a US citizen. Went out with her to eat breakfast and pick up a dress. Went out to find jobs and came back home unsuccessful. Napped. A short storm dropped through and knocked over one of the potted plants in my care.

June 28, 2022

Took out some trash and books, then went to the mall at 2 pm. Currently feeling some negative burn out or something over thinking about how Roe vs. Wade's been overturned last Friday, essentially imposing an ideology that is heavily associated with the most vile kind of Christianity on to other people, without regard to sex workers, POC, LGBT+ people, Jewish people, etc. When I told my mom about it, I wasn't surprised that she was one of those pro-life people, even saying that a woman should take responsbility for getting pregnant (essentially blaming people who had sex), or put the child up for foster care, as if 20,000 children don't disappear from the foster care system every year. Love to live in a country where more thought is put with guns than with actual human lives.

May 30, 2022

Went out to buy some flowers for Papa's grave with mom earlier this morning. Family and I didn't leave home until around 4 pm to place flowers and clean up Papa's grave. Went out to have dinner at afterwards. Went back home and made iced tea and successfully made a crown out of clover flowers

May 29, 2022

Went out with parents to Peninsula to walk for about a mile, bought some bread and went out to eat sushi with rest of familiy, then went home.

May 28, 2022

Went out with parents to a shopping center to return stuff, buy protection for bike riding and order food to eat at my sister's apartment. Ate by the backdoor patio of her and her bf's home. Watched a docu about WWI and the bf showed me and my parents some of his grandpa's war memorabalia. Went home.

May 9, 2022

Woke up at 8 am, and checked emails and worked on my artpal account. Got dressed and started taking out clothes I no longer wanted. Cleaned out my drawers, and had to fully remove the lower one to remove the clothes that were blocking the drawer from closing completely. Took about 2 hours. Went out to drop off the bag of clothes and drop off some packages, then went back home. Checked for jobs/interns at around 6 pm, picked up mail at 7 pm. At around 8-9, subscribed to Dracula Daily.

May 8, 2022

Went to visit grandma, then had lunch/dinner at Aladdin's. Went home and napped.

May 7, 2022

Woke up at 7 am because of period cramps. Went back to bed and slept until 1 pm. Went with mom for her to pick up her car and I went home. Ate a sandwich and a chocolate drink mom and dad bought. Showered, ate ice cream. Period cramp pain not really bad, just annoying.

May 6, 2022

Woke up at 12 pm and showered. Later went to buy some groceries for mom. All day felt "off", kinda like not acknowledging what was happening in front of me or something. Went to bed at 10 pm.

May 5, 2022

Was able to create a page for my berubara coloring pages, include icons in the main page and get the hang of creating hover links. Went out to eat lunch, then went back home and did yoga.

May 4, 2022

Nothing of importance except went out to eat with a friend. Originally planned to eat with two, but the other friend had a migraine and needed to be available for a 4am shift. Ate at a small Morroccan restaurant; very delicious food, bread and mint tea! Friend and I had ice cream afterwards.

May 3, 2022

Went to a photo BFA at 11 AM; really personal for the artist. However, two teachers at the front made things awkward for her with their questions (or at least that's how I felt), like asking why the abuser's side of the story wasn't presented - while literally the entire presentation was about how it's important to cut off toxic family members and break the cycle of intergenerational abuse. A student I was sitting next to, probably the artist's close friend, made supportive comments to her, only to be cut off by a teacher - one of the same teachers - with something like "does this include a question?" in a rude way. I felt angry on that person and the artist's behalf. Blasted Strawberry Gashes on loop to let off steam. Continued playing Queen Mary's Script Retold for about 2 hours. Finished up my second 300 word response for the presentation I went to yesterday. Later, confirmed plans to go out with high school friends for tomorrow night. Listened to a video essay about the rise and fall of geek culture.

April 30, 2022

Woke up at 9:30 AM and went to Half Price and library to return Crime and Punishment. Made a breakfast sandwich at 10:30 am. Swept my bedroom floor.

April 27, 2022

Had my final critiques in Writing Inquiry II and Life Drawing. Didn't leave the house until around 10 AM. Had ice cream then went home. Napped, then had some coffee.

April 26, 2022

Had my tires changed and headlight checked. Waited for three hours at a Starbucks. Had Royal English Breakfast tea, a chicken and bacon sandwich, then later two packs of madeleines, ate one pack, saved the other for later. Read a bit through Part 2 of Crime and Punishment, then went to the nearby bookstore. Went to the school to work on the final animation project for about an hour, bought a roll of tracing paper, then went home.

April 25. 2022

Had final critique for 3D Design and my doll bed.

April 3, 2022

Woke up at 11 am and had pasta. Started my essay and then watched more of My First Errand, then Trivia Quest. Showered and had some tomato soup. Also had ice cream. Couple of days ago,started watching this anime called I'm Gonna be an Angel. Might drop it because of the outdated and weird jokes.

March 11, 2022

Woke up at 9:30 am and had toast and two fried eggs. Finished Kid Cosmic and reading through HCA's diaries again. Ordered my transcripts from one community college so I can add them to my resume. Period started.

February 07, 2022

First part of class this morning was via Google Meet, then worked on the "ending" part of my marble drop machine. Went to uni later for second half, but turns out that was optional. Went back home because I thought I left something there (and to change in a more cozier coat). Writing class went well, only to turn out the notecards of my working bibliography were in my Totoro notebook the whole time.... Attended Career Fair afterwards and was able to get some contact info from the three companies that I chose. I'll send thank you emails tomorrow. Also, bought an Emerson stereo cassette player for the marble drop project, and now ambivalent on whether to buy the exact type of teddy I had when I was a child (size and brand and all) Also kinda thinking about this circa 1870 china doll, but that's for another time. Recently joined an antique doll subreddit. Haven't made any lasting irl friendships yet.

February 01, 2022

Woke up at 9:30 am and tried to search for a cassette player for my marble drop machine project. Might have to buy a used one on ebay. Canceled my weekly appointment with a student counselor due to upcoming projects. Started on the statue assignment last night. Ate fruit yogurt with chocolate chips for breakfast.

January 13, 2022

Stayed home all day today and did some makeup for fun. Parents left for Miami at 5 pm.

January 1, 2022

Happy new year! Woke up at 8 am and ate a banana and drank some coffee. Started to practice drawing hands. On Christmas I got some boots and candy, and I tried these sweet buns at a place called Koko's Bakery. Really good!

November 21, 2021

Woke up at 11:30 AM and showered. Had pizza for lunch and watched the mind explained season 2 on Netflix. Didn't do much yesterday except waiting for my brother's car to have its tires realigned. Stumbled upone some old email notifs from an ex-friend, and it kinda hurt reading them, given the irony of what came after. I tried coding to insert my scans of my Rose of Versailles coloring book, to no avail.

November 15, 2021

Stayed at home first half today because of my period, which started yesterday. Ate a bagel sandwich.

October 16, 2021

Period started today. Went to the mall this afternoon to buy Lego bricks for a project, and I also bought a couple of payaso paletas. Then, I went to a bookstore, then an antique store right by it, and I bought a cute Virgin Mary music box, though I was swaying towards buying this cute 1960s/1970s music box/

October 11, 2021

Woke up at 10 AM today and cleaned up the bathroom, had breakfast of egg with toast and fig jam, and went out to drop off cardboard boxes and papers at the town hall. I then went to a Giant Eagle to drop off plasti bags, then I went to a bookstore, then Barnes and Noble, to browse. I returned home at 3 PM and kinda started on Friday's homework. I finished up A Tale Dark and Grimm and finished watching episode 3 of Sandybelle. Parents came home at 6 pm with some halloween decorations, some candy, and food. Mom specifically bought me a paleta payaso, which I ate with coffee. I later read through Little Lord Fauntleroy up to chapter 10, then head off to bed.

October 10, 2021

Woke up at 9 am today and continued working on this Kestner doll that I had since last Monday. I had gotten her at an antique shop (in which her hair was coming off and her eyes were rattling around in her head) and the previous Sunday, I had went out thrifting with other college students for some event, and had bought my own cotten nightgown, postcards and a cute 1980s top. I finished making some clay imprints today for this Wednesday. Although the Kestner doll's eyes are sleep eyes, I had made them so that they are immovable, since I could not for the life of me get them to move without the plaster completely falling apart. I've named the doll Silvia.

September 12, 2021

I hadn't made an entry in over a month wow. Anyway, now at CIA and flooded with projects but at least there's very few writing aspects. Just came home from dinner with parents, where I might have a lobster allergy since my mouth felt tingly after eating a piece of lobster. Now in bed after taking some Benadryl, some lavender oil and a hot compress.

July 29, 2021

Didn't go to work today, so went out to give away books and clean the house and water the plants. Yesterday, I received news that I got accepted at CIA, so I collected some of my works from my art courses from the 2018 spring semester, with the exception of one course. I also began paying my student loans today.

July 19, 2021

Still have the slight chest congestion, so I stayed at home for today. Took a shower and did some of the vapor treatments. Most likely I won't go to work tomorrow either. I've had this damn cough since last Sunday.

July 13, 2021

Woke up feeling a bit better than yesterday. I did laundry and did the dishes. For brunch, I ate the remaining chichken noodle soup. Ate some pizza and dried seaweed for lunch at 4 pm. Had coffee at 6:50 pm.

July 12, 2021

Woke up feeling ill, with a sore throat and stuffy nose. Stayed in bed for most of the day, and had a temperature of 100 degrees. Had some apple cinnamon tea to help, and constantly drank water. Took a shower to help with my congestion. Went to bed at around 5 or 6pm.

July 11, 2021

Arrived home with my sister at 5 pm and unpacked my stuff. Went to sleep afterwards as I felt unwell, suspecting that it was just allergies.

July 10, 2021

Woke up at 8 AM. Went on the boat out on the lake at 11 AM and had breakfast of English muffins, pancakes, and eggs. At around 3 to 4 PM, went tubing with one of the girls and I didn't fell off the whole time.

June 18, 2021

My period started yesterday and I stayed in bed today until 12 pm. Ate an egg sandwich for lunch and had coffee and cookies later on. Went out at 5 pm to water the plants

June 13, 2021

Went to a beach today with one of my sisters, collected/traded rocks with my sister's friend's relative's kid, and I went in the lake many times (always cold!). Later got ice cream at the local parlor, went to the nearby park, swam a bit more, then went home. Ordered poke and cleaned up the basement a bit, as some water came through. Ended up getting sunburned on my back.

June 10, 2021

Went back home after work. This Tuesday I went to the art museum, same as on Sunday, when I also went with him for lunch. Yesterday, I finished reading the Yasuke anime. On the Monday of this week, I finished reading Dracula. Last Tuesday (June 1), my composition doll came in! I've named her Clara. Lorelai doesn't like a name that fits her. Today, I'm trying to read through Oniisama e, and I've understood the story so far."

May 26, 2021

Had work from 8 am to around 2pm; first day without anyone else helping me, as mom left for the airport at 4 am. Was becoming stressed out due to the numerous mistakes I made and my new duty of taking blood pressure. Called a patient about them arriving on time and they yelled at me. The breaking point was when they arrived very emotional, which lead me to crying myself. I was able to compose myself quickly and dad was able to see that patient. I arrived home at around 2:30 pm and ate an entire pizza for lunch/dinner, then showered. Watched two episodes of The Barbarian and The Troll on Nickelodeon. Had coffee and cookies for dessert.

May 23, 2021

Offically became a university graduate! Arrived at 9:30 to check in, and the ceremony didn't start until 11 am. Brought my fan to cool myself a bit, and went out with family for lunch afterwards. I received two flower bouquets and took lots of pics!

May 10, 2021

Woke up at 10am and took out the cardboards/papers. Got a response from the uni that changing the ceremony attendance decision is possible, and that I need to email the info. Yesterday's Mother's Day went well, with food from Taza, I drank red wine with sparkling water and my family and I watched the film The Sleepover.

May 8, 2021

Woke up at 8:40 am and helped mom clean up some things before a man came to clean the vents. Finished A Little Princess and went out at 2 pm to buy groceries and returned home at 3 pm. Around 7 pm, dad arrived and got pissed that I applied months ago not attend my graduation ceremony and forced me to write an email asking if changing the application is possible. He didn't think that being in a pandemic is a valid reason to not attend. Applied to another graphic design job.

April 27, 2021

Woke up at 6:30 am and got dressed, worked from 8 am to 12 pm. Went home and was on the computer making rp icons until 3 pm. Took a nap at 5:30 pm, had orange juice and coffee at 7 pm. Had the sudden desire since yesterday to have those retro cruiser bicycles, plus it's been years since I last rode on one. I hate how my life is going.

April 22, 2021

Didn't go to work until 11 am because of my period. Went home around 2:30pm because of a headache and had coffee.

April 03, 2021

Woke up at 7:30 am. Made coffee and prepared to do workouts with mom and sister.

February 20, 2021

Woke up at 9:30 am and did some pilates, ate breakfast then had coffee. Watched an ep of Oniisama e, and I feel pressured to find the right entry level job. At least I made a profile on Fiverr. Also, I'm taking a break from Twitter until Lent's over because it's draining to doomscroll bad news on that bird app. I also feel kinda empty/tired today. I want to talk about my problems about this to someone else but at the same time I wanna keep my yapper shut. It's just job hunting. I'll get one soon, I hope.

February 19, 2021

Woke up at 9 am today and had breakfast. Did some stretch exercises, showered, then did some arm exercises with mom. Watched TV, then went upstairs to play the Serial Experiments Lain game. I'm on Site B level 10 now and I really wanna finish the rest, but I'll just feel depressed and start thinking about my own existence and the purpose of my life.

February 17, 2021

Woke up at 9 am today (though I woke up several hours earlier to help my parents with turning off the carbon monoxide detector when the power went out). Ate a cookie with some chocolate spread over it and some coffee; Noticed how pretty the snow was, the way it reflected looked a lot like gems... Watched an episode of Memole, then some of Oniisama e...., then I went out to buy some groceries and take out plastic bags. Had my 1pm appointment-the main reason I couldn't go to work today. Also, yesterday, mom and I didn't go to work either because of the icy roads. "Played" lots of the Serial Experiments Lain game. It's also been a full month since I lost my sense of taste and smell, though I've been able to smell things better than taste them. Like yesterday, after I arrived home from taking out trash, I immediately noted that what mom was cooking involved garlic. I can smell other things like essential oils.

February 3, 2021

Woke up at 7 am, since I'll be accompanying mom to her place of work for awhile.

January 22, 2021

Still without sense of taste and smell. Trying to return calls to an official country board, but the woman is always out despite me calling the number over 4 times.

January 17, 2021

Received a message from the clinic where I took the test around 8 am today; and it confirmed that I'm COVID positive. Ate an egg sandwich, some spinach and spaghetti squash for breakfast, but only finished the sandwich when I noticed that I could barely taste the veggies. Took a vitamin D pill and drank water with vitamin C powder. Got some coffee just to check if my tastebuds didn't suddenly die, and I can still kinda taste/smell it. I also checked my temp and it was at a normal 98 degrees Farenheit.

January 15, 2021

Did my COVID test today, then went to buy groceries with a sister, got hot chocolate then arrived home. Ate a poke salad for lunch. Hours later, ate a teriyaki chicken rice bowl for dinner, then some candy. Brushed my teeth, tried searching for entry level jobs.

January 8, 2021

Woke up at 7 am and helped mom with cleaning the first aid kit. Went out to drop stuff at Goodwill in the afternoon and coninued working on my very first manga music video (MMV), which I started yesterday. Searched up for jobs, and stretched. Later today, my copy of By a Woman's Hand, a book about women who were artists during The Golden Age of Illustration, and of The Rose of Versailles - vol 1, arrived!

January 1, 2021

woke up at 12 pm after going to bed at 3 am. Was informed by mom that my maternal grandma passed away last night. Other siblings were informed later that day, then we attended a live recording of a mass in a church in Tepic, Mexico from 2 to 3 pm. Went upstairs to do some art, and didn't come downstaris for dinner until 7 pm.

December 31, 2020

Finally finished Rousseau's Julie at noon after having it in my possession for 7 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was so long, but I can understand why it became so popular and that many readers actually thought the letters were real. plus i wanna talk about it in the context of the rose of versailles T 0 T......Afterwards I sent it, along with a box full of old books to be sold at a bookstore. Got $30 in return, then went home and ate lunch. Don't have any plans to go out for this year, since the pandemic still exists.

December 28, 2020

drove my dad on the highway at 9 am today for him to pick up his car. before that i woke up and chose violence because of the sudden demand to be ready in 15 minutes. surprisingly the drive wasn't bad, since there weren't too many cars thanks to this week being the new year week. went back home after filling up gas, then I watched the film Jingle Jangle. cleaned up the kitchen, swept the floors and did some laundry until my mom came home around 2 pm. made some coffee and tried to search for what to do after graduation this year. dad called me around 2 pm and lectured me for 10 minutes on searching for what i should do next for the new year. given the ongoing pandemic, it's difficult trying to think of whether i should get a part-time job or go to grad school to shell off thousands and thousands of more dollars to furthur my education as a graphic illustrator. my dad will probably say that it'd be a good idea to get another internship, but sir we're still in a ~pandemic~ and i'd rather interact with few people as possible until the vaccine's actually sent out thanks. he'll probably also lecture me on going door to door or whatever but again we've moved passed going door-to-door like traveling sales people because of the advancement in technology, and again, a fucking pandemic.

December 27, 2020

Rest of family visited today. Ate a poke bowl for lunch and finished another piece at 6 pm. Watched the first episode of the little prince anime, and thought it was cute and the opening music catchy.

December 26

Woke up at 12 pm and ate pizza. Got dressed and went out to clean up my car before going to the plaza to get my bracelet fixed, and to pick up a book that my mom ordered. Went back home and upstairs to continue working on my new project, and charged my phone. Hours later, ate some udon for dinner, watched a little bit of the Thor film, before finishing up and going back upstairs to continue. Finished reading vol 1 of Witch Hat Atelier, brushed my teeth, used the water pick, flossed, and swished around salt water.

December 25, 2020

Woke up at 8 am and got some coffee, and watched the animal channel untile everyone else woke up. My sister made mini pancakes and eggs, and we watched the 2000 version of how the grinch stole christmas, while we waited for brother to finally come downstairs. Dad was still working at mass, so he didn't come home until later. At 11 am, the rest of the family gathered around the tree and opened presents (with my other sister on face time). My gifts included a hate and matching gloves from kate spade, vol 1 of Witch Hat Atelier, slippers, a coat, a half moon sweater, a shirt, candy and sweatpants.

December 24, 2020

Woke up at 9 am and started watching a show about Madame CJ Walker, then got ready to go to church for 3 pm with my sister. Right as we entered the highway, mom called and told us that it'd be best if we stayed home due to the oncoming snow. Went to a grocery store to picke up a pizza, tho we instead bought some sushi to eat lunch while we waited, picked up the pizza and some ale for our brother. sister called mom and had to pick her up from church, so I was dropped off at home. Got to work cleaning up the kitchen and making a cheeseboard of sorts with the cheese, olives and crackers that mom bought beforehand. Didn't start eating until my mom and sister came home, then went to bed.

December 23, 2020

Didn't wake up until 11 am today. Went out to buy milk and panetone (an Italian cake) with the money that mom gave me earlier this morning. Went back home and ate a sweet and drink hot chocolate while finishing The Queen's Gambit. Arrange the plates and utensils from the washing machine, and went out to fill up my tank since it'll most likely snow tomorrow. An uncle o'mine gifted me and my siblings Amazon gift cards, which I had mixed feelings about, but I decided to spend it anyways. Originally I wanted to buy the first two of volumes of berubara, but they were over the budget, so I settled with ordering the most recent Rose of Versailles coloring book, then a book about some famous female illustrators during The Golden Age of Illustration, anda book about the internal workings of the shoujo manga industry.

December 20, 2020

Day 2 of widom teeth extraction recovery: barely slept because of cheek pain and took some tylenol at 3 am. For breakfast, I ate warm rice pudding, then some hot chocolate with graham crackers. Didn't eat much for lunch until 6 pm, tho i stopped midway since the cheek pain began to flare up. Rinsed my mouth twice earlier today with warm water and salt, then brushed my teeth. Ate a tiramasu for dessert, and continued working on my historical redesign fanart.

December 17, 2020

Final exam done and my wisdom teeth removal is tmrw. Kinda nervous but everything will work out. Checked out some clips of the film WolfWalkers (beautiful!) and still working on my little fav character historical redesign (didn't know the difference between a spencer jacket, over dress and open robe o 0 o )

December 15, 2020

Not sure which one to stress out: another final exam that starts tmrw, or eventually having my bottom wisdom teeth removed this Friday? Who knows! I don't! :D

December 12, 2020

Woke up at 12 pm and had soup and noodles for lunch, and coffee. Starting filling out a study guide for next Monday's exam. Helped cook Bay Scallops for dinner while mom went away to church. Had chocolate and mint coffee. Filled study guide up to ch. 11, will finish filling out final chapter tmrw. Made some artwork last night.

December 7, 2020

Woke up at 8 am today and made cinnamon buns. Had my classes, finished up my group paper/presentation, had my group presentation then watched a vid for evaluation. Just started reading Witch Hat Atelier and fell in love with the art style!

December 5, 2020

Woke up at 11 am and showered. Had a feta wrap for brunch and coffee. Locked up in room all day because of homework. Trying to finish a page, a week reflection, and a module all before 11:59 pm. I just wanna sleep without berating myself for wasting time, and vice versa. Just saw illustrations by Hayao Miyazaki of Clara and The Nucracker for an exhibition from 2014 and I'm absolutely obsessed over the colors and disappointed that there was never a Studio Ghibli adaptation of the story ; 3 ;.

December 4, 2020

Woke up at 8 am and watched the lecture video. From 11 to 4:30 pm there was no Internet so I was unable to have my 2nd course. Finished 2nd page of Armenia group paper. Tried to search up if any other clips of that Innocent Musicale exists. Helped mom with setting up the artificial Chrstimast tree for this year. Went to get the mail and moved a car for the snow to be plowed. Shoveled away the snow on the front porch along with my brother. Looked at the oneshot chapter for Sakamoto Shinichi's new manga, #DRCL Midnight Children.

December 2, 2020

Woke up at around 9 am and got dressed. Watched my Islamic lecture video then started tryint to shovel the driveway and cars. Had my 1 pm class and I mentioned the Moschino x Rose of Versailles bit as an example of appropriation/violation of copyrighted material. Afterwards, had coffee and my last course, then went out to shovel the cars/driveway at 5 to 6 pm, then had soup for dinner. Started on 2 pages of my group project on cultural conflicts. Had cake for dessert.

December 1, 2020

Snowed a lot the previous night (10 to 12 inches) and some of the trees have been bent over. Played Ib after many years and got The Promise of Reunion Ending on my first try ; w ; Had my courses and celebrated dad's birthday.

November 30, 2020

Woke up at 8:30 am, ate a banana for breakfast and coffee. Had 10 am class, then 1 pm class. Ate soup for lunch. Had chocolate mint coffee again. Hadn't rped on Dreamwidth in a while. Replied to a message from that person that while I had felt hurt, I was glad that I wasn't the reason. I hope to talk to them as soon as they feel comfortable again. Thinking about the eventual hell of trying to get my grades up for finals :/ Around 8 pm i had a huge pizza slice for dinner (only ate a quarter of it), having a slight headache for some reason, trying to finish up this extra credit assignment for tmrw. Really hate how I can only type up my entries in a short, abrupt writing style rather than the long rambling paragraphs that I'm able to do for things on tumblr like intensly analyzing a favorite character or make a multi para rp starter/fanfic.......

November 28, 2020

This Thursday I got that ~cycle~ and didn't eat much food for thanksgiving. Right now trying to kick this 8 page research paper in the butt. At 5 pm, i'll go with family to dinner. Made art last night. Still bothering me that I have no idea what went wrong with that person but it's not like I can stress worry over that now cuz it's almost December and that means more homework and finals tests and presentations and that means the possibility of grades plummeting like it was ever a good idea in the first place to continue classes despite living in a pandemic. To that person, it's obvious that I did something that broke your trust in me, but I still feel hurt that I was never told what I did or why. Even so, whatever I did to make you upset, I'm sorry.

November 21, 2020

Got a hair cut today, some hot chocolate and a donut. Ate ramen for lunch and watched Avatar season 3. Decided to leave Twitter for a while because I'm gonna get reminded of that person and why we're no longer interacting. Recieved a new member on the Innocent Discord server. Doing homework is a pain please let me rest. Don't want to go out for dinner cuz i got two assignments due at 11:59 pm.

November 20, 2020

Had my classes, then lunch. Felt internally angry all day. Turns out that I got booted off by an online mutual for reasons unknown and I'm here wondering what did I do? No way to contact them to understand why they did what they did, making me feel even more angry and disappointed at myself for whatever thing I did. currenlty trying to do my ridiculous portfolium project - due tmrw at 11:59 pm. why some teachers decided to give students projects during thanksgiving break is beyond my understanding.

November 11, 2020

Woke up at 6 am and got dressed, ate a clementine and some cookies. Drank coffee. Had first class at 1 pm. Went out on a walk at 2:30 pm for 10 mins. Final class at 3:30 pm. Ate dinner, and took a shower Did hw til 9:30 pm.

November 10, 2020

Won my first auction at zenmarket for SPUR November issue. Also bid for a used copy of the Mozart Doesn't Sing Lullabies novel in Japanese.

October 29, 2020

Back hurts. Overwhelmed by assignments and projects. Watched 5th episode of Higurashi Gou, starting coloring in my OC x Ciel Phantomhive WIP, have barely left my room.

October 21, 2020

Woke up at 10 am, barely slept a wink last night from the storm. Drank coffe and ate yogurt. Had my courses, e-checked a car, ate lunch, then continued to read Things Fall Apart. Having some interviewing difficulties over available times.

September 30, 2020

Woke up feeling empty and received news that grandpa died.

September 15, 2020

Woke up at 7 am and got dressed, got some coffee and started classes. Ate at 12:48 pm and finished Aggretsuko, had my last class for the day and took a nap. Later on read Chapter 3 of my intercultural textbook.

August 31, 2020

Woke up at 5 am, took a shower, then did some stretches. Ate bread for breakfast, then sent my LOA form via email. At 8 or 9 am, I ate a fried egg with toast, followed by some coffee. Watched episodes 18-20 of Emily of New Moon, then my 8 am class began. Afterwards, I ate my soup for lunch, then some coffee ice cream. Watched episodes 21-23, then had my 1 pm class. Mom came home around 2 pm, and I helped her bring in the groceries, then had my 3 pm class until 4:45 pm. Finished the rest of Emily of New Moon, then went out to get some iced coffee and go to a bookstore. Went back home and tried some jerky that was sent to my sister, watered the plants, and did the homework of subscribing to newsletters.

August 30, 2020

Went on an outing with my parents and got some cute shirts, then went to Lowe's where it took forever to get some info on ovens. Wnet out to eat later that night and when I asked my dad if we were doing anything for Labor Day weekend, he replied that he still had plans for the entire family to go out. Mom and dad yelled at each other because dad "informed" the rest of the family two/three weeks ago and got upset that no one else "remembered". Mom asked him if he knew exactly what the plan is, and he says that he's still "working" on it. Returned home tense, but everything was calm later that night.

August 29, 2020

Woke up at 10 am and cleaned up the kitchen a bit. Met up with mom at 11 am and we had an outing until 3 pm. Bought a couple of popcorn bags, and some cute clothes. The weather kept going from cloudy to sunny to cloudy again.My second older sister visited the house to stay over, and my sisters and me went out to buy ice cream (and I saw some bats) - I got mint chocolate with Heath pieces. When we arrived, I watched a funny Netflix film with my parents.

August 28, 2020

Woke up at 8 am and did some yoga stretches for half an hour, then ate breakfast consisting of toasts and eggs, with avocado. It rain earlier that morning. I finished the rest of my coffee then I went to take a shower and put argon oil in my hair. Afterwards, I watched 3 episodes of Emily of New Moon, then ate some small sandwiches for lunch. By midday, it was sunny, but later went back to rainy around 3 pm, once my mom got home. I also made a chocolate chip mug cake.

August 27, 2020

Went out today and it was sunny. Took out the paper bags, filled up the car with gas and went out to buy a copy of Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm. Mom gave me 15 dollars so I got more money from my piggy bank (in coins) until I had a total of $22. After I bought the book, I went out to get some lunch (a grilled cheese sandwich, a small ice cream cone, then an iced coffee). Before I bought my iced coffee I walked up a large hill and then halfway in a neighborhood. After that, I went home.

August 24, 2020

Woke up at 8 am and finished my concha; left home to drop off paper bags and plastic bags, then left again to send in the check to a windows company for last week's fix. Returned home and ate bits of my marranito with coffee.

August 23, 2020

Woke up at 9 am, and ate breakfast. Sent some emails to my advisor and colored in some cute morimu pages. Watched an episode of Emily of New Moon, and helped my dad with filling up gas for his car. Got a concha and a marranito from the gas station, and when we went home, there was food that was picked up by my other sister. I tried to open up a can of refried beans to eat my concha with, but dad helped with the built in (circa 1960s?) electric can opener. Went on a walk with mom and dad late in the evening and water the plants. Took a shower w/o washing my hair; I want to try washing it once a week.

August 19, 2020

Woke up at 9 am and got dressed. Ate some strawberries for breakfast then RP'd as Oscar on dreamwidth with a very sweet (for now) thread. Ate mac and cheese for lunch and watched another episode of Avatar. Later went to get the blinders of my bedroom fixed, but the gps kept giving me the wrong directions, so I went back home after throwing out paper bags. Took a walk with my parents at 7 pm, then ate vegetable stew for dinner, along with a ham/cheese croissant.

August 18, 2020

Created a dreamwidth account as an extension of my rp tumblr account. Started out with wholesome OA fluff - it will eventually end up with Oscar being very dependent on Andre ; o ;. Also, I called a windows/textile store about the cost for fixing a broken cord, which was less than $100 + tax.

August 16, 2020

Woke up at 11 am to rain, and went out to eat lunch with a sister.

August 13, 2020

Finished up writing a long final paper for my online course, then went to bed.

August 12, 2020

Was able to write a thank you card and mailed it to my internship supervisor. Was a bit difficult trying to find small envelopes that were not stuck together from age.

August 11

Last day of internship at the Two Cafe. Was given a send off and a little goodie bag for all of the hard work that I did.

August 9, 2020

Woke up at 9:30 am and showered, then cleaned the table outside. Watered the plants and took out the plates and mats, then got coffee. Drew on my ipad until dad, my sisters and their boyfriends arrived. Ate food from Taza, ate some ice cream, then napped until we finally cut cake at 5 pm then gave mom presents. Napped from 5 pm to 8:30 pm, then got dressed in pjs.

August 2, 2020

It was cloudy all day, but I was able to read some of Wildwood Imperium before heading out to meet up with some friends. The time to meet was 2:30 pm so I went to that nearby village to buy that cute handbasket before then - needed it to store my lunch in for work. Got confused on which parking lot to go, as we planned to meet up at a park. All three of us met and we walked around the park and talked about updates in our life. One friend of mine starts soon at her job at an abortion clinic, and my other friend will have to fly back to her uni soon. We all parted ways after 4 pm, and I went back to the vilalge to by a protein box for later, then went home.

July 31, 2020

Woke up and went to my 9 am to 3pm internship. Ate lunch of a cheese sandwich, apple slices, popcorn and some chocolate, and drank coffee. Went to the library to get a book on antiques, and the final book to the Wildwood Chronicles series. Mom came home a little while later, and I watched some episodes of Avatar, then dad came home. Went out for ice cream and bought some jacks games, and mom showed me how to play them. Still am uneasy to go back to uni when my parents told me that I'll be fine as long as a wear a mask and wash my hands.

July 28, 2020

Woke up at 8 am and got dressed, then made breakfast and some chocolate milk. Ate ramen for lunch around 12 pm, and went to that hardware/antique shop again, with my own money. I bought that cute antique doll and took a look at her after I sat down on a bench near the store. I also bought some iced coffee but it was too sweet. After that I went to take a walk through some national park and picked blackberries, then went home. Completely ignored my mom and brother because I was so excited to take the doll out for real. Turns out I was right in that she's an antique, and she was made in Germany by a company called Floradora. Checked out more info about the company after I helped clean the kitchen and drop off some papers and cardboard.

July 25, 2020

Went to work from 9 am to 3 pm, so I didn't eat much, but drank coffee. Ate a BLT and tomato soup for lunch at the cafe/boutique, and helped out with a live video. My sister visited the boutique to buy some clothes and I helped her out. I also bought three masks beforehand because mom wanted to get the new masks. After 3, my sister and I went to the nearby sidewalk sale and looked around. My sister bought me a cute romper, and I got an iced coffee. We also went to the antique store and she bought a large bowl, and for me I picked a small cute bisque doll - 1920s(?), and a circa 1880 scissors candle trimmer. After she got ice cream, we went back home and showed the stuff to mom. After that, I went upstairs to do my weekly report.

July 18, 2020

Woke up at 7:30 am and got dressed, ate some rice pudding for breakfast, then got ready for work. Drove to the cafe right on time, and began my shift, which included streaming a live video and updating how any items we have in stock. Ate a grilled cheese sandwich, with some watermelon, and a lemon muffin for lunch at 12:10 pm. Around 1 to 2:15 pm, I also helped steam some of the dresses, and took photos of some of the staff wearing outfits. Went back home at 3 pm, then slept from 4 to 6 pm. Began doing homework until 10 pm, and ate pasta for dinner, then brushed my teeth.

July 16, 2020

Woke up at 9 am and showered, then got dressed. Ate a pizza with fried egg for breakfast, then cleaned up the kitchen until 12 pm. Went to work late because of a detour and had to use a longer route, but I made it. The boutique got a bunch of new items, and I helped arranged them. After going home, I went to get the mail and noticed a baby rabbit was on the lawn and it was sitting still (probably because it was scared). After quietly getting the mail, I checked on it a few times and it rarely moved from its spot. I watered the flowers and ate some pasta for dinner, then I watched an episode of Asatir. I noticed that fireflies were outside, and went out to the backyard to admire them. Went back inside and finished the episode.

July 14, 2020

Woke up at 8 am and took out the cardboard boxes and plastic bags. Filled up my gas tank and checked out the small park near the police station and really liked how some places were shaded and even had a small trail. Went back home to eat dinner of toast and eggs, then watched some episodes of ATLA. Ate a slice of pizza for lunch, then arranged the clean plates and utensils from the dishwasher. Practiced the piano for a bit, and stayed home for the most part. My brother arrived home, then a couple of hours later, my mom. Took a nap from 5 to 6 pm after making salsa, then read a bit of A Little Princess. Had a Zoom meet up with some friends from 8:30 pm to 10 pm, and we talked and played Scribbly. Earlier today I drew chibi Oscar and Andre for Bastille Day.

July 13, 2020

Woke up at 9:30 am and showered, then got dressed. Ate french stick toasts with chocolate syrup for breakfast, followed by a glass of water and coffee. Around 11:15 am, a piano tuner showed up (which I didn't expect). I got dressed again and wore my mask. Nothing important followed for that day. RIP Andre tho.

July 12, 2020

Woke up at 8 am and got dressed. Took out the trash in each bathroom and some of the bedrooms. I was about to clean my room when I decided to go to the basement to store the small heater when I noticed that parts of the floor were filled with water from the storm that occurred a couple of nights ago Cleaned up the floors for an hour then used a large fan to dry it off. Mom when downstairs to clean too, and told me to check on how to use an unused Holmes humidifer. Went upstairs to eat sushi and salad that I ordered last night. One of my older sisters called to tell me that she'll visit soon, and told mom about it. After lunch, I went upstairs to clean my room but suddenly felt sleepy. Napped from 2:30 pm to 5:45 pm, when my Crossfit sister and her boyfriend returned from their trip. Dad wanted the whole family to eat out, but I told him that I'll stay home because I didn't want to risk my life just to eat some food. Ate dinner at home then began coloring a page from Young Black Jack on my ipad. Ordered ice cream via text to my mom, then changed in my pjs. Ate the ice cream while listening to a video essay about the Lady Oscar film, then went to bed.

July 10, 2020

Woke up at 9 am and showered. Ate an egg and cheese sandwich for breakfast then got ready for work. Worked from 1 to 7 pm, went home and ate dinner. Also made some sketches on the ipad and began another photo study.

July 9, 2020

Woke up at 10 am and got dressed. Brought coffee and water to work, and ate some nuts for snack. Went home around 7:30 pm and made a photo study in two hours.

July 8, 2020

Made some art on my ipad that night Was active on twitter. Did my duolingo lessons and played LoveNikki.

July 7, 2020

Woke up at 9:30 am and got dressed. Cleaned the kitchen and went out to dispose the paper bag and boxes in our house. Returned at around 11 am and prepared dinner. Ate mac and cheese for lunch and watched a couple of episodes of Avatar: The Last Airbender. Ate ice cream for dessert and head up to check out the old American Girl website from the Wayback Machine. Around 6 pm, I went out to water the flowers and get the mail, then ate dinner. Ate another cup of ice cream because of how hot I was.

July 6, 2020

Woke up at 10 am. My period's better than yesterday. Showered, and got dressed but didn't eat until 1 pm, and watched Gran Hotel. Worked on a painting study on my ipad. Around 2:30 pm, I napped until 5 pm. Went out to water the plants, and cut off some rosebuds from the rosebush near the house. Ate mac and cheese for dinner.

July 5, 2020

Woke up at 6 am to take some medicine and water for my period, then stayed in bed all day. Ate some of last night's noodles and some pudding for dessert. Mostly slept for the rest of the day, but I started reading through Pet Shop of Horrors and worked on my site a bit.

July 4, 2020

Woke up late and had some coffee. Went to buy some groceries with mom and ate some teriyaki noodles for lunch, then helped out with the groceries. Drew on my ipad, napped, then went outside to blow some bubbles. Dad arrived around 3 pm, after my brother arrived, I made some vanilla pudding and we ordered Japanese food. Went upstairs afterwards to rest, then came down for dessert. Watered the plants and closed the table umbrella before the sun went down, then Went back upstairs to watch some videos on hungarian folktales, then went back down to get some iced coffe, then got dressed for bed. People continue to set off fireworks and I can still hear them.

July 3, 2020

Nothing of importance happened except my internship. Fortunately, I ate a large breakfast and lunch beforehand, and brought some snacks and water for my break. It was the busiest I've seen, and mom arrived and bought some clothes (one of them is a cute striped jumper and blouse for me).

July 2, 2020

Had my internship today! It was great helping out with marketing and ringing up products, though I should've eaten a huge meal beforehand. Arrived home at around 8 pm and ate a hotdog with tomatoes,onions, potatoes, and ketchup and musturd. Ate some butter pecan ice cream for dessert! I am sleepy!!

July 1, 2020

Woke up late and ate some fried eggs with white rice, and some water. Took a shower afterwards and did some laundry. Drank some iced coffee and called my supervisor for my internship to get some date clarification, then texted an old friend to hang out. We got together around 2 pm, drank some milkshakes, looked at antiques, and walked around until 3:40 pm, and said goodbye. Arrived home at 4 pm, and ate some lettuce wraps for a late lunch, then watched some rpg playthroughs online. Napped for an hour, then watered the plants at 6 pm. At 7, I ate some spaghetti for dinner, then doodled on my iPad.

June 30, 2020

Woke up at 11 am and ate some sushi for brunch. Ate ice cream at 12 pm and practiced copying some images by Margaret Ely Webb for a couple of hours. Napped until 6 pm, and then walked with mom. Watered the plants and ate some lettuce wraps for dinner, then some strawberries with whipped cream for dessert. Watched a video about LGBT+ themes in horror films (specifically gay themes).

June 29,2020

Woke up at 6 am and prayed. Ate two slices of bread with cream cheese and some coffee. Practiced some more hands and had my teeth cleaning at 10:30 am with mom. We went home at 1 pm and I ate some pad thai and my burger. Printed out some art by Margaret Ely Webb and Charles Robinson to practice. Watched the final episodes of Season 2 of Kipo and drank iced coffee. Helped out mom with the grociers and napped from 6 to 8 pm. Watered some of the plants and ate some sushi for dinner.

June 28, 2020

Didn't wake up until 11 am. Ate a burger and then hung out with family in the backyard and played with my bubbles. Played around my laptop from 1 to 3 pm, got an iced coffee, then left with parents and one of my sisters to go out to eat. A few hours before that, i watered the plants. After finishing dinner at 8:13 pm, we bought ice cream, then went back home.

June 27, 2020

Barely slept because of thunder. Slept until 10:50 am and ate a quesadilla, then some chocolate pudding. Watched episodes 1 through 4 of season 2 of Kipo. Went to hang out with a friend from 3:15 to 6 pm. Bought a cute 1902 book called Little Rosebud, bought twine, and a chocolate soda float. Went back home and retrieved the mail, blew bubbles then watered the plants. Stayed home from 7 pm to 11 pm and made some fanart of Black Jack then drank some water.

June 26, 2020

Woke up at 6:30 today made another cat blob but as Charles Henri Sanson. Made some fried eggs and some vegetables, with a tortilla, then got some coffee. Napped, water plants, then watched a full playthrough of an rpg game called Cat in The Box.

June 25, 2020

Woke up at 8 am and got coffee and quickly did an assignment of creating a logo of a fabricated product/service. Mine was a logo of an old bookplate, with the servie (a bookstore) being called "Ex Libris". We learned about making resumes and setting goals, and did an online scavenger hunt. We also did some yoga and I napped after the camp ended at 1 pm. Practiced the piano and bit then napped. At 4 pm, I turned in a rented textbook before the bookstore at my uni closed, and watered the plants at 7:30 pm. Around 11 pm, I drew some very simply black cat blobs, and drew one as Marie Joseph Sanson. Wore my scapular as I slept.

June 24, 2020

Had my virtual job readiness thing today at 10 am, and before that I ate an apple, then drank some coffee. Learned about the "dos" and "don'ts" of customer service, and given homework on what the logo of our product be if we had one. Around 3 pm, mom and I took a walk, then went back home. Drank some orange juice and ate some of last night's dinner for lunch. At 8:15 pm I ate quesadillas for dinner.

June 23,2020

Woke up at 8 am and started my camp again at 10 am. Didn't eat until 11:15 am (popcorn with trail mix). Planted some basil as part of an activity, and finished at 1 pm. Napped, then went out with mom for an out at 5 pm. After returning at 6pm, I began another drawing on Clip Studio Paint. Ate dinner, ate some ice cream, then brushed my teeth

June 22, 2020

Woke up at 8 am, showered and got dressed for my first day of the virtual camp. Did some games and word activities, and introduced myself to the rest of the group. Made some trail mix as part of an activity at 11 am, and the camp ended at 1 pm. Rested for the rest of the day, obtained the entire Witch Mischief set on LoveNikki and downloaded Clip Studio Paint for free for 30 days. Made a drawing of Marie Joseph Sanson and Oscar, then went to bed.

June 21, 2020

Woke up at 10 am, and showered. Got dressed, and cleaned the kitchen and drank coffee. Helped cook burgers and cut vegetables for the party, and my other sister and her bf arrived to help out. Other sister, brother,and dad joined. Watched the scene of Salieri and Amadeus improvising music. Snacks were set out and the hamburgers were cooked completely. At 2:30 pm, I watered the flowers after eating my food. At 4 pm, we ate cheesecake and dad opened his gift. I went inside afterwards, practiced the piano, and napped until 7 pm to say good bye to my sister and her bf. Finished reading The Little Mermaid and ate some doritos

June 20, 2020

Went to a party today with my sister, to celebrate her boyfriend's birthday. We arrived at the house at 1:30 pm, and I met the people there. Made friends with a girl that I met a couple of years ago, and her little brother(?), cousin(?), who's younger than her and is obssessed with Beyblades. Played Beyblades, picked flowers, pet the dog, and ran across the large, spacious lawn. Before the fun started, I drank some cherry soda with ice cream. There was also a water balloon toss competition, folowed with an intense waterballoon fight. I hid behind the fir trees a couple of times until I launched my attacks >B3 Also got dumped with water afterwards. After cleaning up the balloon pieces, walked around the lawn until it was time to eat. Ate a burger with sweet potato fries and some spaghetti, and drank some water. Couple of hours later, had ice cream cake, blew some bubbles that I brought and ran down the lawn, played more Beyblade, then went home. Before that, I overheard some rather concerning things, with one woman claiming that everthing will be better once Trump is reelected, and some conversation that implied that the BLM movement is some Democrat conspiracy....

June 19, 2020

Woke up at 10 am, and played Love Nikki. Ate some salmon and rice for lunch, then went to a bookstore to meet up with mom. Bought a frappe and went home. At around 6 pm, mom and I took a walk, and I picked some flowers. We went home at around 7 pm, and I replied another email.

June 18, 2020

Woke up at 10 am and got dressed, drank blueberry milk. Did emails until 11 am or 12 pm. Had a headache and felt tired but felt better after eating lunch. Worked on final email until 7 pm and finished a redraw by then. A sun shower ocurred until around 9pm. Ate pasta for dinner and some peach ice cream.

June 17, 2020

Woke up at 8:30 am to the sound of an alarm beeping. Helped turn it off and got dressed. Went to the cafe at 10 am with my mask, and received my camp. Arrived home at 12 pm and ate lunch, then ice cream.

June 16, 2020

Woke up at 8 am, and did emails all day. Watched episode 2 of Emily of New Moon. Ate very little for lunch. At 6 pm, ate some salad. From 11 pm to 1 am, worked on a email with dat.

June 15, 2020

Woke up at 9:30 am and showered. Got dressed, and left with my mom and sister at around 10:30 am to do some shopping. Went to Sephora and got a small 10 dollar eye shadow palette. Mom, sister and I then went to some spa to look around (they have cute animal compress plushies - very soft!) After going to the bathroom, mom and I went back to meet up with sister and we then went to pick up dry cleaning clothes (though that wasn't necessary, as mom and I were told that we can pick them up tmrw.) We then headed to Barnes and Nobles and I got a ham and cheese sandwich. We then went home and I practically devoured the sandwich, and some sweet potatoe fries. Tried out my eye shadow, then used an app I downloaded yesterday to help my pray the Rosary (in Spanish). Suffice to say that I've now memorized Ave Marie and Gloria (somewhat! ^^;) Made some coffee and put on my cute pink dress like yesterday, showed off to my mom, then went back up and added a floppy hat that's in my other sister's closet and I looked super cute! Checked my email. Ate potatoe fries and stome food from my bowl for dinner. Mom showed me links to websites for finding jobs, and gave me copies of a internship application at a small art gallery.

June 14, 2020

Went to another "competition" of my sister at 11 am with my mom. At 12 pm, mom and I went to Target to buy some things, and I got a cute pink and white gingham dress with a removable sash (like those Edwardian era drop waist dresses) We got some coffee then went back to the competition. After awhile, dad, my other sister and brother arrived, and we got some food bowls for lunch. We went back and watched my sister's competition until she was finished, and then we went out to have dinner at an Italian restaurant. I wore my mask in the restaurant and only pulled it down when I needed to eat (ravioli) or drink (iced tea). Went home with mom after that, and I immediately went to change in my new dress. Showed off to my mom and sister and they both thought that I was cute!

June 13, 2020

Woke up at 8 am and got dressed. Went to see my sister's exercise "competition" with mom, dad and my brother for a couple of hours. While walking a bit outside near the building, I saw that someone hung a small hand-wovedn basket around a tree, and got it untied and kept it. Got some Starbucks, went back home for break, then went back to the competition a bit too late, as he just arrived right as my sister finished. After we got my sister's things, mom and I put them in the car, and checked out a nearby furnishing store - the owner has a cute chihuahua named Princess. Mom and I were about to leave, but my sister called me about accidentally taking her wallet too, so we went back, gave the wallet back to my sister, then left again - with the idea of re-joining my sister and brother at a restaurant. At the restaurant, i ate tomato soup with cornbread and drank hot tea. A small brown moth fluttered nearby and landed on my sister, then when she moved it to a plant, the moth landed on my, then flew on to land on a piece of my sister's lettuce. My brother told my sister to just kill it, but she just put the moth on the lettuce piece within one of the small bushes that were placed next to us. Went back home at last, cleaned the basket a bit, and tried to make some handles by tying some twine around it. Mom suggested me to look up internships on an autism supportive site, and then emailed a director from that organization about it.

June 12, 2020

Woke up at 9 am and got dressed. Ate lemon bread for breakfast and drank some coffee. Started to learn Chopin's Waltz in B flat minor on the piano. Finished my packet, and sent it back to the cafe at around 1:48 pm. Also bought a chocolate scone from there. Went back home at around 2:30 pm, and sent an email to the manager of an ice cream store I worked for last year about a combo internship of working over there for a few hours, and then a few hours at the cafe. Ate half of the scone with some coffe and milk.

June 11, 2020

Woke up at 10 am, dressed and worked on th camp packet. Ate some mac and cheese and played Insanity (Remix) for lunch. From 6 pm to 7, I pulled the weeds from the front yard, and watered the flowers. After that, I took a shower. Ate steak and vegetables for dinner.

June 10, 2020

Woke up at 9:30 am, and showered. Prayed. Ate lemon bread and drank coffee. Went to a cafe with mom to talk about internship and the store-owner told me that they can offer me one as long as its okay with my supervisor, and also I'm part of a job readiness camp that starts on teh 22nd. Mom and I went grocery shopping, then went home. At 5 pm, dad and I went to pick up my car, then we went home. Watered the plants before the storm came, and it rained for about an hour and a half. Watched Big Hero 6, then went to brush my teeth and got dressed for bed.

June 9, 2020

Woke up at 9:30 am. Ate cereal and drank coffee. Got ready for my zoom video call and now at the end of my tether because it turns out that they're still techinically in review, and they don't have all of the answers either with the internship, aside from the possibility that it'll be all virtual and that other positional roles will be included. Sent them a page of my references around an hour ago, and emailed by internship supervisor with this update. Almost cried because I feel absolutely stuck, but prayed. Ate dinner of chicken and grilled peppers, ate ice cream for dessert, then drank coffee.

June 8, 2020

Sent an email about payment plans to my uni, and received an email of a zoom meeting with Spark360. Took a walk around the neighborhood. Took a shower and looked up info about Art Nouveau

June 7, 2020

Woke up at 10:30 am, and drank coffee. Watched some Barbie movie reviews at 12 pm and ate my poke bowl at around 11 am. Went to buy groceries with family at 2pm and watered the flowers. At around 4 pm, went to a restaurant to eat, then walked around. Came back home at 6 pm, napped, then watered the flowers again.

June 6, 2020

Woke up at 8 pm and got dressed for exercises with mom. Period started and took some medicine. Did some bicycling and 10 sets of 5 burpees, 10 air squats, and 15 jumping jacks despite the cramps and lack of energy from not having time to eat beforehand. At 11:30 am, mom and I left to try some poke, and I got a lavender bubble tea. Ate my bowl while watching 2 episodes of Gran Hotel, then cleaned the kitchen. At 3 pm, dad came home, and I took a shower. Napped until 8:30 pm due to cramps, but took medicine beforehand. Ate half of my poke ball and drank some mango bubble tea. Discussed faith, language translations, morality and history with mom about Christanity and religion in general. Will go to bed soon as it's now 10:30 pm.

June 5, 2020

Woke up at 6 am, and finished watching Nurse Angel and almost teared up at the end. Ate a danish and drank coffee for breakfast, and finished watching the HIPAA video and showered. Took a nap at 3 pm, and at 6 pm I watered the plants. At 6:30 pm, went to buy things with mom, and responded the company email with a decision of acceptance. Returned home and ate a lettuce wrap for dinner. For dessert, currently eating some candied almonds and a champagne macaron. Right now listening to a video about the origin of hobbies.

June 4, 2020

Woke up at 9:30 am, and read my emails. Ate cereal and had some coffee, and an hour later, went to dispose plastic bags and cardboard boxes. On my way home, my car acted funny, so I stayed until I was picked up by my sister and went home (my car was close to the street, so it wasn't bad.) Sister stayed in my car, waiting for AAA, for around an hour and a half, and I'll get the details tomorrow. Watched ep 33 of Nurse Angel, and watched half of a video about HIPPA. Created an rp starter for a lab rat au. Ate a tortilla and some meat for dinner, then ice cream for dessert.

June 3, 2020

Woke up at 9:30 am. Conversed/raised voice at mom and dad about my continued search for internships. Called the company that I first applied to back in April and sent a voice message. Called Milestones Autism and left a voice message. Forwarded an email to my dad. Went on a walk at 1 pm, and ate spaghetti at 2pm. Watched episode 31 of Nurse Angel and played Love Nikki. Ate a quesadilla for dinner, watered the plants at 6 pm, then took coffee for desserrt.

June 2, 2020

Woke up at 10 am, and showered. Helped clean the bathroom a bit an hour later. Finally got registered in a 200 religious course at my university. Ate ramen for lunch, then a tiny Boston creme donut for dessert, with coffee. Tried to call Milestones Autism around 1:30 pm, but I received no response. (Maybe it's closed for today?) Did my evening prayer before going to bed.

June 1, 2020

Woke up at 9:30 am and prayed. Went with mom to buy groceries and cleaning supplies for a couple of hours, then went home. Watered the front plants for about 30 minutes, and saw a cute white moth. Ate ramen for lunch, then a hamburger for dinner at 6 pm. Watched episodes 27 and 28 of Nurse Angel Ririka.

May 31, 2020

Got out of bed at 11 am, and ate ramen. Watched 2 episodes of Gran Hotel, and went out on a walk with my sisters. Went to Urban Outfitters to check out clothes with my sisters. Ate a grilled cheese sandwish with fries, then went to Barnes and Noble. One of my sisters bought me a copy of Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tales, illustrated by Heath Robinson. Went back home, and checked emails.

May 30, 2020

Prayed this morning. Drank coffee, but didn't eat. Went with mom at around 2 pm to buy stuff from Costco, then went home to eat ramen. Watched 2 episodes of Gran Hotel, then opend the box of my new waterpik device. Twitter feed full of stuff about the protests of George Floyd's murder, and it makes me angry of the misinformation and violence incited by police. Sent an email at 5 pm asking if any spots open for jobs at a local cafe. Still waiting for response. Went to get ice cream with siblings around 9 pm. Watched a video regarding a NY police car attempting to run over people during protests. Tired. So angry I wanna take a baseball bat and bash it against a wall.

May 29, 2020

Woke up early this morning to pray (and added a prayer for those who are currently protesting regarding the murder of George Floyds), then cleaned up the kitchen. Ate a fried egg sandwich, then got some coffee and candied nuts with grapes. Told my mom a bit about how praying made me feel a bit calmer, and that I wore the Our Lady of St. Carmel scapular all night long. Woke up very early at 4:34 am to write a little star poem. Opened my window to let in the cool air. Emailed supervisor at 2 pm, and got a response about applying for another internship if I can. Took a nap then woke up at 5 pm. Still don't know how to add in pixel borders. The one I used don't really work. Copied and pasted another coding and will have to paste in the html again. Around 8:30 pm, had talk with mom about internships. I started tearing up and she asked me about my doubts on the confusion situation. Tried answering but I always choke up whenever I'm emotional. Went to bedroom with mom to talk in private and she hugged me and encouraged me to cry. I couldn't cry after knowing that dad came home, but I felt a bit calmer. Around 9:45 pm, dad called me down to congratulate me on joining "the team". I hate how quickly I can smile after something so emotional.

May 28, 2020

Woke up at 9:30 am. Ate a tuna salad sandwich, and helped mom when she came home with a bad back. Helped my sister pull some weeds. Sent mom a copy of my fall 2020 semester schedule, and trying to pray the rosary in spanish right now ; o ;. Using a colorful rosary that has heart-shaped beads and in a confusion on how to do it. Watched an episode of Little House on the Prairie with mom, about Laura and Pa taking care a baby they found in the woods until they found the birth mom. Took a shower at around 5 pm. At 6pm, dad called and lectured me about searching for other internships and to call my supervisor for my internship class tomorrow.

May 27, 2020

Woke up at 10:30 am after having a nightmare about a horned owl slashing the throats of my loved ones with its talons. Drank a smoothie and ate an egg and chicken sandwich. Didn't feel like smiling much. Tried to pump air into of the bikes in the garage but the pointy end wasn't on the pump. Worked on the sailor moon redraw, then mom came in about my "internship class". Checked my email to send a follow up email to the potential employers, then emailed my supervisor that a religious course that's still open isn't transferrable. I feel like I'm going to explode. Stayed in bed most of the day. At a brownie and ice cream. Sent emails. Don't really feel like eating dinner. Not hungry.

May 26, 2020

Woke up at 8:30 and showered. At french toast and a smoothie. Had a live chat with a worker at Tri-C regarding financial acknowledgements, and the only way to get through them was to accept them all. The transferrable religious course that I wanted was full, despite the fact that only 19 out of 30 seats remained. Fucking hate this. Dropped off some boxes, then went back home after realizing that getting Starbucks was impossible with the app. Went exercising with mom at 5 pm. Back home, picked weeds from 6:35 pm to 7:48 pm. Took a shower afterwards.

May 25, 2020

Went out with my parents at 8 am to buy some groceries (dad bought an entire box filled with bags of cherries - _ -) Saved a ladybug from the cherry box, and I got an amish fried pie with Bavarian cream. Before we left the house, I finished chapter 42 of Little Women. After groceries, we went to go get the car washed, then we went to get some brunch. I brought along my mask so I wore it, and got orange juice, french toast, fried eggs and ham. I was really hungry so I wolfed down the eggs and ham, then saved the french toast for later. Ate some mint chip ice cream, and also bought some sticks of clove gum. When my parents and I went to the park, I passed by this parked red motorbike that had a confederate flag, eugh. At the park, we came across Canadian geese, and saw a swan. My dad took a closer look while my mom and I stayed behind. Mom didn't want to accidentally step into bird poop, and I didn't want to get attacked. Then, we went home and I checked my emails. I also then worked a bit on the Innocent TVTropes page. In my bedroom, I took out two stinkbugs (with one of them nearly crawling in my bed sheets.)

May 24, 2020

Woke up at 9:30 am again, and got dressed. Ate a slice of pound cake and drank a strawberry and peach smoothie. Also ate half of a blueberry muffin and drank some black tea with milk. Ate sushi for lunch and helped fold my sister's clothes. Went on a walk today at 2 pm, then went back home. Saw a tiny frog on the patio table; still on the chair. Went out on a walk with parents, then drive around a pretty, historical village on roads called Old Mill Road and Berkshire Road. Lots of white "century" houses, and a cute little church. I thought my dad said "sentry" houses, not "century". We drove by the Chagrin River, surrounded with lots of beautiful wildflowers and green trees. Wish I could live in a house like that like a Studio Ghibli character.... After arriving home, ate some sushi and salad. The froggo is STILL on the chair, (and still alive - I checked).

May 23, 2020

Woke up at 9:30 am to dad calling me; telling me that he'll be leaving for work, and that mom will come back home soon. Showered, then got dressed. Still not hungry so just drinking water and coffee right now. Mom and I planned to go to Chagrin Falls for a walk; with our masks on of course. Went on a walk with mom at 4 pm, then we went to Chagrin Falls to walk around and get some food. I noticed how lots of people didn't wear masks, and it kinda of unnerved me. No one wore gloves either aside from employees. Saw a woman walking a cute 9 week old pitbull puppy, and I got a strawberry milkshake. Sent my resume to my desired internship company

May 22, 2020

Woke up at around 7:45 am today. Got some coffee and a bit of pound cake. Finished working the Instagram sample page, and been standing a lot while working. Finally finished my sample pages at around 9:46pm, then went to bed at around 11:15 pm after looking for some possible pages from the Innocent manga to color.

May 21, 2020

Woke up at 8 am. Continued working on the project and did laundry. Finished the Instagram post and played some old cooking games on girlsgogames. Went to bed at almost 12 am.

May 20,2020

Woke up at 9:30 am, and had some coffee. Ate some chocolate cereal and finished my presentation by 10 am, then sent it. Made mac and cheese for lunch, helped out with the laundry, and just discovered a link to a site of old children's books. Might continue reading Little Women today. Around 3:30 pm, I took a walk with mom, and at 6 pm, went with a sister to pick up something for her work-desk. Got a Caramel Ribbon Crunch frappe afterwards, then we went home.

May 19, 2020

Woke up at 9:30 am. Ate half of a breakfast sandwich and some coffee. Worked more on my presentation for a few hours, showed it to mom, then went out to drive to drop off cardboxes and papers. One of my sisters came home and helped me out with project, but I felt tense. Trying to finish up right now and I feel tired and unmotivated. Drinking coffee and eating a cookie.

May 18, 2020

Woke up at 9:50 am this time, and watched another episode of Violet Evergarden. Ate some spinach and egg for breakfast, followed by coffee and a brownie. I also tried some ginger honey tea crystals that one of my sister's gave to me. I worked (or try to work) on my presentation for a while. Got too distracted while looking up early 20th century iterations of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, like Margaret Tarrant, Charles Robinson and Maria Kirk. I finished a screenshot redraw of Chibineko at 4-5pm today, and greeted my dad. Watched some dubs of Shen Comics for an hour I think. I ate some steak, rice,veggies and chicken for dinner. I ate half a cookie for desert. I'll try waking up really early tomorrow so I can have time to work on rp threads and my presentation....

May 17, 2020

Woke up at 11 am again. Got dressed and went to cleaning the bathroom while mom and dad were out. One of my older sisters visited, and the family had some late lunch at around 3 pm. Had to help dad bring in lots of Arizona iced tea bottles to the basement, and one of them fell and spilled on the floor; it was cleaned up after using 3 large towels and a swiffer cleaner. Near the backyard table's a dead bird that probably died from accidentlly flying into one of the windows. Went back to the kitchen to make some coffee, then went upstairs. Watched episodes 23 and 24 of Nurse Angel Ririka, and got excited with the new ending song and Dewey's "reasoning" for joining Ririka and Seiya. It's thundering and raining outside right now. At 7 pm, I went outside to get a closer look at the half-river my street became after the storm, and took some photos and a video. I even plucked some dandelion stems just to see them float down the water. Around 8 pm, my mom, dad and I watched the first 3 episodes of Avatar: The Last Airbender, then my dad reviewed my document of marketing campaign ideas on social media. He made some corrections and my sister gave me good advice. Dad advised me to take my time on the presentation, as if I just rush through it it will be bad and I won't be accepted as a new intern for the company. Still fell rushed. Just brushed my teeth, and will probably rp some threads - it feels so long since I last did that.

May 16, 2020

Woke up at 11 am today, and ate a feta wrap. With a chocolate brownie and some coffee, I watched the 3rd episode of Violet Evergarden in Spanish. Worked on a document until 5pm, when my mom and I took a walk. When we got home, dad was there, and we helped him bring in a lot of stuff from my grandparents' house from the car. A majority of the stuff was never even used until today. My dad also brought an old box of 64 Crayolas (sharpener included!), and they all still work. There's a disposable camera that still has some film, and I took about 4 photos with it. There's also an espresso maker that I used to test to see if it works or not (it works!) There's also this box full of old photos and photo negatives, including some pamphlets about the health of my dad and his brothers when they were babies, two copies of my dad when he was a kid, and an unwritten greeting card that has a very pretty Iranian artwork on it (kinda glitters under the right lighting). Another unused thing is this box full of shoe polishing stuff, an unopend bag of tea candles, business paper, a box that contains a marble and onxy chess set that my dad got in Italy when he was younger.

May 15, 2020

Still trying to edit this page. Currently listening/watching a video of a veteran's reaction to watching Violet Evergarden.